Hey there, I’m Stefan 👋

Founder & CEO

I’m the founder of Biblaiteca, your friendly neighborhood AI librarian! 🤓 I’m super passionate about marketing and totally geeking out over AI. You know, those awesome tools that can help us write better copy, create eye-catching visuals, and even predict what our customers want? 🤯 It’s like having a marketing superpower!

My Mission and Vision

I created Biblaiteca because I believe AI shouldn’t be this mysterious thing only tech whizzes understand. Nope, it should be for everyone! I want to make all those amazing AI marketing tools easy to find, understand, and use, so you can level up your marketing game 💪

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Core Values

What’s Biblaiteca all about? 🤔


I believe in honesty, transparency, and ethical practices in all aspects of my work.


I’m always seeking out the latest AI advancements and exploring new ways to apply them to marketing.


I’m open to collaborating with other experts and businesses to create a thriving AI marketing ecosystem.


I’m dedicated to providing high-quality, actionable information and resources that deliver real value.


want to empower you with the knowledge and tools you need to achieve your marketing goals.


Your feedback and needs are my top priority. I’m always looking for ways to improve BiblAIteca and make it even more valuable to you.

Why should you join OUR crew? 😎

I am building a community where marketers can connect, share ideas, and learn from each other. It’s like a virtual clubhouse for anyone who wants to stay ahead of the curve and rock their marketing goals. 🚀

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